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Historia Mexican a is a journal published by El Colegio de México’s Center for Historical Studies. Founded in 1951, it is one of Mexico’s oldest journals specializing in the study of the past. Its first editor, Daniel Cosío Villegas, cofounded El Colegio de México with Alfonso Reyes. The journals’s editors have included renowned historians such as Luis Muro, Luis González, Josefina Zoraida Vázquez, Enrique Florescano, Bernardo García Martínez, Clara E. Lida, Solange Alberro, Óscar Mazín and Pablo Yankelevich. The current editor is Rafael Rojas. Beatriz Morán Gortari has been the associate editor since 1992.

Historia Mexicana is an essential publication for those interested in Mexican and Latin American history. Over seven decades, it has remained faithful to the mandate established by its founders: to publish original articles based on academic research of the highest quality, so as to contribute to the dissemination and renovation of historical knowledge of the Mexican and Latin American past.

Historia Mexicana is open to comparative analysis of other realities and historical processes that have taken place beyond Mexico’s borders, and especially in the Hispanic world. It also strives not only to disseminate the latest, most solid research, but also to promote historiographic debates on themes, books and authors that have made substantial contributions to historical knowledge, and to expanding the limits of the discipline.

Historia Mexicana publishes every three months, and issues include articles, book reviews and critical essays on documentary sources and historical works. It occasionally publishes dossiers and monographic issues.

All contributions to Historia Mexicana are submitted to a rigorous peer review process that involves renowned domestic and foreign academics.

Historia Mexicana is listed in more than forty international indexes, portals and directories, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, Hispanic American Periodicals Index, JSTOR, CLASE, SCIELO, DOAJ, REDALYC, REDIB, DIALNET, EBSCO, Handbook of Latin American Studies and LATINDEX. In Mexico, it is part of the CONACYT-certified Catálogo de Revistas Científicas.


70 years of Historia Mexicana.
Presentation of number 281 of the magazine


History of soccer in Latin America. Presentation of number 286 of Historia Mexicana.

The Comintern in Latin America. Presentation of the
number 287 of Historia Mexicana.



Brief Biography


David A. Brading

In memoriam


Brief Biography

Pilar Gonzalbo Aizpuru

In memoriam






  CMCH Awards


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